[KS Update] Evening Update May 15th, 2013
Today turned out to be a lot longer day than I expected (plus, I fumbled the video portion of this update more than the NYJ’s Mark Sanchez on a Sunday afternoon) so I decided to do a more informative and much less painful text update.
First, speaking for everyone at City State Entertainment, thank you so much for your support of Camelot Unchained. It was a long, difficult but ultimately satisfying campaign and we couldn’t have done it without you! We eagerly look forward to working our collective ducktails off to deliver a great game.
Second, over the next few weeks our studio’s main goals are opening up the Camelot Unchained forums and also finishing up the ports of March on Oz™ to select Android devices, including the Kindle and Ouya. We will of course extend the same benefits to those that buy the Android versions as we did to the folks who bought the iOS version when it comes to extra FPs. As those goals are met over the coming weeks we will begin migrating people back to both Camelot Unchained and the Smackhammer demo/game.
Third, we have begun putting out initial feelers and fielding inquiries for new additions to the team and we will be actively looking for certain qualified individuals over the coming months. We will post our job listings so if you are interested in coming to work with us on Camelot Unchained, check the listings!
Fourth, I’m working my way through the current email queue and I hope that by the end of the day on Friday I will have personally answered everyone’s email. If you haven’t heard back from me by Monday though, please feel free to send me another email. However, please do not send me an email asking what I think of any “ideers/idears” because I can’t respond to them individually at this point and also have any hope to get any other work done. Our forums will be up soon and that is the best place for such discussions going forward. Also, after Monday please send any support questions tokickstartersupport@citystateentertainment.com as I will turning my focus (hopefully) to our backer forums going forward! I’ll still be reachable through here but it will not be the most efficient way to reach me.
Fifth, during our Kickstarter we received support from some wonderful other Kickstarter projects as well as certain individuals. I’d like to return the favor by telling you all about another project and a team that intrigues me. These are the fine folks at Cryptozoic Entertainment and their project, in case you haven’t heard about it, is HEX: Shards of Fate. They are creating, in their words, “The first ever real MMO/TCG for your PC & MAC”. I was fortunate enough to meet their CEO, John Nee, back in the old Mythic Entertainment days and he also happens to be working with our valued partner and friend Curious Factory and Ayaka Hahn. These guys make the World of Warcraft TCG so if you haven’t checked it out yet it’s worth a visit. BTW, I’m also backing their Kickstarter project. Their project can be found here.
Finally, and most importantly, we hope to have our forums open on Monday for friends, family and select ducklings. I’ll be sending out invitations through KS to some of our most active posters so that they can join us in our efforts. Once we are sure that the forums are relatively stable I’ll send out the Kickstarter survey and get all the information that we need to get all of you into the forums. Please do not send me an email asking for early access to the forums, it both won’t help me get through the email pile any faster and it won’t get you in any earlier. We just need some warm bodies to throw at the forums and confirm that our code/updates to the forum software we are using isn’t making things go boom! I don’t plan on spending much time talking there until after the forums open to everybody.
That’s it for today’s update. Once again and as always, my thanks!